TL;DR: Figuring out how the satellite is oriented, and rotating it in space

🛰️ Weekly meetings: 7pm Thursdays in ES3 🛰️

Some Useful (but mathematically complicated) References:

6DOF Sim 🖥️ 🌎

The first main project for ADCS, is developing a robust simulation (name TBD) of our satellite in orbit in order to validate our algorithms, and appropriately size our hardware.

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Sims github here:


It will be implemented in python and will consist of several modules, grouped into a few main categories (see below). Each major bullet point can be implemented largely independently, and they will all be wired together in the final sim.

Some will be super easy (literally < 10 lines of code) and some will require some more thought!

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Try to put each module in its own python file, if possible!
